Friday, July 25, 2003
Raw insomulin
Railways: the black line (Anubis) and the white line (Bast) meet at the Chariot Station and Streetcar Co. (Each line ends in a city loop, these touch, forming a lemniscate.)
Themis CJ - must be confirmed by Senate (Governor may veto).
Judges: often the ruler of a ward - duke, president (meritocrat?), etc
A mechanical village that is a beetle/scarab.
The Angel's prisoner cities: lower gravity wells, allowing towering structures, the Angels cannot survive outside the well, however, as the higher gravity would render them extremely fragile. Each Prisoner City surrounded by a wall, in fact part of a transport gate - cities regularly swap locations, forming a means of transport within themselves.
Insomulin 1 is over here.
8:29 AM